Resisting the Machine: Making Money vs Finding Meaning

Emily Wade
3 min readJan 8, 2023
Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

So… I’ve had an epiphany about how we can make money easily…. Last night in my dreams we had developed a spice girls cover band! We were amazing!!!!

Girl Talk

One of my girlfriends sent the above message to our group chat early on Sunday morning.

It followed a conversation the five of us had over morning tea the day before about changing careers and looking for different ways to make money.

We all went to uni together and became young nurses… 18-years ago now! I haven’t nursed for a long time and have changed careers several times, but the others have all specialised in different areas and worked in some form of healthcare since we graduated. Now though, most are at the point of leaving and I’m also looking to make changes in my life (for other reasons) AND we’re all about to turn 40 (eek!!).

The funny thing is, whenever conversations about work and money come up, there’s a tussle between the ‘realistic’ ideas and crazy dreams of being an internet influencer, paid to be a content creator and spending hours sipping lattes and getting manicures while the kids are at school. I’m usually the boring one who chimes in with why being a content creator is hard work and takes consistent effort over a long period of time, blah, blah, blah…

Photo by Katarzyna Grabowska on Unsplash

As the ideas and giggling got more outrageous, the conversation intermittently turned to the ‘buts’: that [insert internet money-making idea] would be awesome, but I’m too exhausted for the hustle, or I’m sick of spending time on my phone/computer, or I need something more meaningful.

Searching for Meaning

The choice is, to join (or further embed ourselves in) the horrid, capitalist, technologically driven machine that keeps us ‘on’ all the time, chasing the next adrenaline hit from more follows, more likes, more purchases… or, do what our hearts and bodies crave.

When we dig deeper, we need money but we want time and flexibility. We want to be present with our children and partners, and have time for personal development.

Learning and growing.

Gaining satisfaction.

Finding meaning.

In the end, we decided we have two options: become creators by posting ‘different’ content that resists the always-on, consumer culture (exact topic to-be-decided) or disconnect from technology altogether, let go of certain earning expectations and live simpler (and cheaper) while doing something else that brings satisfaction.

I know this is a privileged conversation. We all have well-paying jobs and mortgages, and live in a society that affords us many opportunities. We’re lucky to have the time and freedom to contemplate ways we could live and work differently. And I think this goes back to the human condition of always striving for more.

Instagram post from @emily_g_wade

More… what?

The question is, what type of ‘more’ do we really want? At this point, I suspect it’s not money. Financial wealth certainly makes everyday living easier, but it doesn’t equal happiness. Capitalism was supposed to work infinitely, but it clearly doesn’t, even while some are still enjoying its fruits, the earth is choking (and so are we).

So, what will our next step/s be?

We’re not sure yet, but below are a few people and organisations doing things differently that inspire me to keep striving for creative, meaningful ways of living.

This post was originally published on Brave Little Pig



Emily Wade

Writing for creative and curious humans who want to explore how we can live better, for ourselves and for the planet.